
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Welcome to the mess that is my mind

They say that a cluttered room makes for a cluttered mind. If this is really the case, then, judging by the two-foot pile of papers covering my floor and the collection of a dozen or so half-empty Vitamin Water and Coca-Cola bottles littering my desk (not to mention the half-eaten pudding cup), it's pretty safe to assume what my mind is like.

It is for this reason that I wanted to start a blog. It's a way for me to take this upside-down trashcan that is my brain and dump it on screen, well, more like splat it on screen. I do this not to organize my thoughts, God no, but to craft them into something tangible for the entertainment of myself and others...but mostly myself. This blog is a way for me to throw up the precious thoughts and ideas I have- atleast the ones (somewhat) suitable for public viewing- before I forget them.

To be perfectly honest, I was on the fence about starting a blog for some time before taking the digital plunge. An aspiring journalist, everyone told me it was a great way for me to develop a following and get that big break. But after visiting several blogs myself, I was worried that I'd come off as snobby or over-opinionated. Doubts began to flash through my mind: What's the point? Is anyone going to read it? Does anyone even care? But now, as my finals are failed, summer begins, and I find myself sitting on a mountain of free time, I finally decided to go for it. I decided that, unless I want to end up as a monkey with a pad and pencil, I can't be bothered by these things as a journalist. Sure this site will likely get less hits than a batter staring down Stephen Strasburg, but it's for me more than it is for others. Sure I may come off as a complete asshole who thinks he knows everything, but when I think about it, all the best writers are assholes. I decided to stop thinking about doing it and just do it already.

That's the philosophy that will go behind what I post on this blog: don't think twice about it, just type it in and click 'publish.' I decided to go on a whim and start this little spiel, and that's how I intend to treat whatever I have an inkling to put up. Maybe a movie critique, or maybe a funny story I heard. Maybe a life-altering realization, or maybe a thought on how to spell a fart (pffffffssssstttt....oooo that's a wet one). Expect the strange and expect the plain. Expect the extraordinary and expect the ordinary. Expect the sensical and expect the nonsensical. Expect the unexpected and expect the expected. Expect piles of papers and soda bottles. Above all, expect the random.

They may say that a cluttered room makes for a cluttered mind, but I say that a cluttered mind makes for a cluttered room. My room, like these words are products of the messy, messy mind they were spawned in. So grab your plastic bags, pooper-scoopers, and all the lemon pledge you can grip and enter if you dare...the mess that is my mind.

Oh, and I think I'm starting to get ants in here.

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